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Pork soup

Putting this here because I use the broth from the pork butt roast above as the base.
Note that I'm very noncommittal about the quantities of the ingredients, because it's very much to taste. I like a very thick soup, personally, so I'm going to add more corn starch. I also love mushrooms, so I go much more on that than the other veggies.
Cook Time10 minutes
Course: Soup
Cuisine: American
Servings: 2 servings


  • 1/2 cup broth from cooking Instant Pot Pork Butt Roast see above recipe
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 Tbs corn starch vigorously mixed in an equal amount water
  • 3-6 medium white mushrooms or baby bellas, chopped or sliced
  • 1-2 green onions, chopped
  • 1/2-1 cups chopped or sliced carrots
  • 1/4-1/2 cup cooked barley.
  • 1 serving pulled pork see above recipe


  • If you refrigerated the broth from the pork butt roast, you will have a bunch of fat that congealed at the top of the container. Use a spoon to scoop that out and throw it away.
    Or, if it's your kind of thing, add it in with the liquid in the next step. Or save it for some other thing. I imagine this can be used for cooking fat.
  • In a medium pot, mix the water, broth, and corn starch and bring to a boil. Then reduce heat to simmer
  • If you want thick soup, simmer for a while to evaporate some of that water.
  • Add the solid ingredients and simmer for 5 minutes so the veggies soak up some of that liquid.


More experimentation!
  • Appropriate veggies to add include peas (frozen is fine, but oh man, fresh snap peas!), broccoli (chopped small), bamboo shoots, tofu, and white or red onion.
  • Swap out the barley for some ramen noodles or rice. Both rice and barley take longer to cook, which is why I suggest using it cooked already in the ingredients list, but ramen noodles take but 3 minutes. You can add those in with the veggies and meat.
  • Add. Moar. Garlic.